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In order to enter a Cheat code, you’ll have to use your Beak Buster to spell out CHEAT you’ll manage to hear the “Moo” each time you slam one of the letters to spell it indicating that Rare has a sense of humor and that you’re ready to start cheating! Before you wait for the correct letters to light up a luminous green when you slam them in, any CHEAT codes won’t make any indication that you’re putting them in right, whether it be from audio cue or visual hint. Without further ado you’re free to scroll on through the list below of every code found within Banjo-Kazooie. Certain codes will require specific conditions be met before you’re able to reap the rewards, though most simply require that you’ve completed the castle. So long as you’ve obtained the Sandcastle Jiggy you’ll be able to enter the countless codes below without issue. You’ll be able to unlock levels, break down Note Doors, carry infinite items and even change your appearance via slamming in the correct codes into the Sandcastle Floor. The Jiggy that has been locked away in the castle can be acquired by spelling out BANJOKAZOOIE, though there are many more secret codes tucked away in the game that you’re free to use in order to cheat. If you use your Beak Buster ability you’ll manage to spell out different words by slamming your beak onto the letters in a certain order one after another. Venturing into the sandcastle will reveal that the floor is covered in tiles, and each tile has been assigned a letter of the alphabet.

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If you execute your Back Side Bomb ability and toss a few eggs in Leaky’s direction he’ll empty the water below as a reward.

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Fortunately the area can be drained if one pays a visit to the Sand pail overlooking this area known as Leaky, who appropriately enough needs help in patching up a hole in his side. Along the golden shores of Treasure Trove Cove you’re sure to find a submerged sandcastle that’s been flooded with the tide.

Manor matters triche gratuit